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List of top 10 Movies with lion in the Title

last lions

List of top 10 Movies with lion in the Title

Do you know there are many lion movies? In this article we are going to list all time favorite lion the movies.

AsiliAfrica Asked their Facebook Fans about their all time favourite lion movies, and The winners was  listed in the comment senctions.  

‘BORN FREE’ – The star of this beautiful 1966 film is lion ‘Elsa’, a lion cub. Joy Adamson and her husband, Kenya game warden George Adamson, raise the cub. As one of our fans said: “It is the only choice, single-handedly inspired the modern safari in the late 1960’s, probably the single most successful piece of conservation marketing ever. If you haven’t seen it at least three times then your life is not complete.”

Top 10 Lion Movies:

1. Born Free – Columbia Pictures
Born free movie

2. The Last Lioness – Documentary by Herbert Brauer
last lionesss

3. The Last Lions – Documentary by National Geographic
last lions

4. Eternal Enemies: Lions and Hyenasnas
eternal enemies

5. Relentless Enemies – by Dereck Joubert
Relentless enemies

6. Christian the Lion – Morningstar Productions
Christian Lion

7. African Cats – DisneyNature, by Keith Scholey
African Cats

8. The lion, the witch and wardrobe – TV film by CBS
The lion, the witch and wardrobe

9. The Ghost and the Darkness – Stephen Hopkins
The Ghost and the Darkness

10. Madagascar – DreamWorks Animation, 2005



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