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Terms and Conditions

Thank you for using (the "Website"). This page states the terms under which you may use the Website. By accessing the Website you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms.

A. Intellectual property The content of the Website, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, software and trademarks are the property of Wazoefu Technology Ltd and are protected by copyright and other laws. Wazoefu Technology Ltd does not tolerate copyright infringement and will actively pursue any known infringement to the full extent of the law.

B. Restrictions on use You may not copy, reproduce, republish, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, download, post, broadcast, transmit, make available to the public, or otherwise use Restova content in any way except for your own personal use. Nor may you use the Website to create, amend, update or verify any databases, directories, customer lists, mailing lists or other records. The use of Restova data as a source or target for direct marketing, telemarketing, market research, or any other marketing activity on yours, or someone else's behalf, is strictly prohibited.

C. Website Warranties Wazoefu Technology does not guarantee the timeliness, completeness or performance of the Website or any of the content. While we try to ensure that all content featured on the Website is correct at the time of publication, no responsibility is accepted by Wazoefu Technology Ltd for any errors, omissions or inaccurate content on the Website. We will not be liable for any loss or damage, financial or otherwise as a result of you using the information provided on the Website, nor does Wazoefu Technology Ltd guarantee the suitability or quality of any products or services featured on the Website. Wazoefu Technology Ltd does not warrant that access to the Website or the features on the Website will be uninterrupted or error free. Nor does Restova warrant that the server on which the Website is based is free of Viruses or other harmful code.

D. Contributions to the site Contributions made to the Website are encouraged, providing they are made in a responsible manner and are in no way inaccurate, defamatory or misleading. Wazoefu Technology Ltd reserves the right, without any obligation whatsoever, to review, correct, remove or modify any content submitted to the website. By submitting a rating or review to the website you are accepting that your name and email address will become available to the company you review, and your name will be displayed on the Website.

E. Advertising your business on Restova The Information you provide in relation to your business must be accurate and truthful.

F. Customer Reviews By default, when you sign up to Restova as a business you accept that your company can be reviewed by your customers and other users of the site. We reserve the right to remove any reviews that we believe haven't been posted by the customers themselves or where we believe the reviews may not be genuine. You have the opportunity in your account settings to disable reviews if you wish. If you disable reviews, your profile page will display a message to reflect that reviews have been disabled. If your company receives a negative review, you have the ability to respond underneath the review, posting your side of the story. It's very possible that you can turn the bad review into a positive situation by publicly demonstrating your level of customer support. Please note that we have implemented many automated checks and controls which help us to identify false, inaccurate and offensive reviews before they even go live. New rules for reviews (effective from the 2nd of June 2013). a) All reviews that are submitted to Mgahawa must be constructive, i.e. they describe what products / services were received (or not received) and objectively explain why the customer was happy or not. Reviews which don't conform to these rules may be removed. b) At our discretion, reviewers who make personal attacks on individuals will have their account closed. c) Negative reviews will only be removed from a company's profile if : - They are posted under a false name. - They are not constructive as described in point a) above. d) Reviews flagged by our Review Verification Software will not be unflagged. e) We reserve the right to remove any reviews that do not conform to our terms and conditions without any recourse or communication with the company the review was written about.

G. User Accounts As stated in our Privacy policy, we reserve the right to send you certain communications relating to your account, such as service announcements and administrative messages without offering you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving them. You may not use, or allow others to use, your account to: - Post any content that is abusive or defamatory or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person.
- Impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or entity.